Welcome to the Fifth Epic Freeknock Games

2025 Events are NOT yet scheduled, check back.

The 2020 through 2023 events did not take place due to Covid and other issues. Hopefully, 2025 will put us back on track!

The 2019 Epic Freeknock Croquet Game did not get scheduled, however ...
The 2019 Epic Freeknock Frisbee Game took place on October 3rd, 2019.

The prior three year's events were completed on
July 31st, 2016 & July 30th, 2017 and July 28th, 2018 respectively.
Click for snapshots of the 2019, the 2018, the 2017 or the 2016 events.

In 2018 we had a frisbee only tournament on July 28th. We expected to schedule a croquet only tournament sometime in the weeks following the frisbee game. It was to take place at the alternate venue (Truffle Tryst Farm, just about a mile up the road). Unfortunately that didn't happen. The general information below is from our last activity and will be updated if needed, as we plan the 2022 events.

Note that alternatives or adaptations to the annual game cause it to evolve, and the following information may be adjusted for any/all future events. Check back for updates, or sign up to our email list (menu above) for notification of updates as they occur.

In the past this has been an endurance croquet game with a bit of swim competition. In 2018 it was an endurance frisbee game only, with swim competition optional. It comprised one or more loops, determined by the participants. A minimum of one loop was mandatory to be part of the competition and to earn the coveted FreeKnock award :).

In general, the main loop starts at the Yurt and you play your way down to the swimming hole (bottom left pic below) and back. Contestants will toss a frissbee from flag to flag (possibly gathering stickers as proof of their arrival at each point, although we have yet to institute this). Once at the turnaround point the contestants will swim or wade across the swimming hole and ring the bell (optional), before returning to their frisbee. They will then return back across the causeway/pasture (top two pics below) from flag to flag, back to the Yurt.

The more loops, the bigger the prize!   More course information here.

Entry fee: this is a potluck so bring food to share as well as your own beverages.

A BBQ will be provided to heat or cook your contributions. Feel free to bring your own individual BBQ item to cook on the grill. Note that we will not use or provide plastic utensils but we may have sufficient metal utensils. Remember your own lawn chairs if desired.
We will provide the crawdads (creek, bottom right pic below) ... but that does require you to catch them.

When a 2025 event is scheduled, you will be able to sign up for the events in the top menu or here (if no events are scheduled, it will just retuen to this page). Families welcome. Sign up is not required, but is suggested for planning purposes. Please note that the entire course, including the water traverse is suitable for small childern with a bit of supervision. There is one deep hole (generally up to 8 feet) so life jackets for active or adventurous children are encouraged.

For updates as they occur, sign up to our email list located here (only event specific emails) or preferably, check back at this site, or contact the race director at: tom@freeknock.org or use the 'Contact' link above. Updates will be posted to the site and sent by email as they occur.

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